Reorganization and a New Energetic Talented Board


Reorganization and a New Energetic Talented Board: a Team for Success

Beginning in January 2022, Vilano Beach Main Street began to go through a difficult reorganization, with many results coming into place during 2023 and the beginning of 2024.  

President Linda LaCerva

Linda is a Vilano Beach business owner who assembled a volunteer board that has experience in finance, marketing, promotion, events, beautification and business ownership. This reorganization recognizes a powerful implementation of the Main Street Four Point Approach. Linda is owner of the Vilano Town Center business Metalartz and has been an inspirational leader. Linda is a career retail/manufacturing executive, holding VP positions with major retailers and was the CEO of a manufacturing company.  Linda is Chair of the North Coastal Design Review Board, a quasi-judicial board under the County Growth Management Department which reviews and approves construction or redevelopment according to the Overlay zoning district.

Treasurer Joe Anderson

Joe is a retired U.S. Marine and has held multiple CEO positions in the private sector. Under Joe’s guidance VBMS bank balances went from a few thousand dollars to a very healthy balance sheet. Joe established meaningful line items for reporting, with sub-grouping of individual events, tracking reports for income, CRA status and reimbursements that did not previously exist. 

Vice President Cindy Campbell-Taylor

Cindy is a Vilano Beach resident and former marketing professional at Disney. She began a creative re-branding of VBMS that included new copy, new taglines and the revised website, with a revamped social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram. Cindy owns a branding and marketing company, Taylor Made Solutions, and often brings in contacts to help generate ideas and implement special Vilano Main Street promotion projects. Through Cindy’s efforts, in partnering with the Food and Wine event as well as Wine, Whiskey, and Wildlife, she helped bring over $30,000 to VBMS in 2023.

Board Secretary Mike Kilgallon

Mike initiated the Vilanoscape Strike Team, a group of a dozen volunteers who make our streetscape a remarkable place to visit. The Strike Team helps with set up, take down, volunteering and problem solving at our events.

Laurel Berntsen

Laurel is the owner of Old City Occasions and runs the VBMS events. Laurel is the Volunteer of the Year for Main Street Florida. Laurel manages the Artisan Market, organizes the annual Vibe-Rations music event, the annual Vilano Holiday Village and most recently the Kingfish tournament. 

Brady Haynes of the Seaside Church organizes the “giving back” arm of VBMS. Pastor Brady holds church services on Vilano Beach every Sunday. 

Laurie Barrancotto is a member of a prominent local family. Laurie is one of our best hands-on volunteers for all activities, and always with a smile. 

Remy and Earl Jensen are local residents and owners of the OceanView Lodge which overlooks the Oceanfront Park. They are a major Vilano Beach financial donor. 

Michelle Murphy – in addition to our board, Michelle is on the Board of the Porpoise Point Homeowners Association.   She also works as the Regional Vice President for MAA.

Sacha Martin is a co-author of the application for Vilano Beach to become a Florida Main Street community 21 years ago in 2003. Sacha is currently on the board of the North Shores Improvement Association, Vice Chair of the North Coastal Corridor Design Review Board, and on the board of the St. Augustine Airport Pilots Association.  

What is Florida Main Street?

Florida Main Street is a state-wide program dedicated to revitalizing historic downtowns and commercial districts through a comprehensive, community-driven approach. By focusing on economic development, historic preservation, and improving the quality of life, the program encourages local stakeholders to work together to create vibrant, sustainable communities. The “Four Points” approach—organization, promotion, design, and economic vitality—guides these efforts, ensuring a balanced and effective strategy. Through collaboration and innovation, Florida Main Street helps breathe new life into neighborhoods, fostering pride and a sense of place among residents and visitors alike.