Vilano Beach Main Street wins Budget Hawk Award


Florida Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, and Florida Main Street honors Vilano Beach Main Street with 3 prestigious awards at the 39th annual Florida Main Street and Preservation Awards Ceremony.


Mike Kilgalon accepts the Budget Hawk Award on behalf of the Vilanoscape Strike Team.

Florida Main Street awarded the Budget Hawk to Vilano Beach based upon the significant priority that has been placed on community beautification efforts.

Vilano Beach Main Street’s revitalization journey began with a mission to restore the charm and beauty of its Town Center environment. Neglected for years, the once vibrant streetscape had succumbed to overgrowth and neglect. Recognizing the need for action, the community rallied together to form the Vilanoscape Strike Team, a dedicated group of volunteers committed to transforming our town’s landscape.

Saturday morning the volunteers show up at 7:30 a.m. to weed, prune, plant and mulch. 

In 2023 the team spent only $1,390 to fund mulch, plantings, and landscaping products, with much more donated by the volunteers, to get the work done.   

Coming on the Vilano Beach Main Street Board in January 2022, Joe Anderson, was dismayed by what he saw on Vilano Road. He created a Landscaping Committee and turned to the social media platform, NextDoor, to enlist community involvement. 

Joe enthusiastically partnered with three committee volunteers: Jeff King,Pat McCarty, and Mike Kilgallon. 

In 2023, Craig Everett agreed to take the lead. Under Everett’s leadership, the team quickly morphed into a community volunteer subgroup of Vilano Beach Main Street.  The team now serves in nearly any volunteer capacity the community needs. including setup and breakdown of events hosted throughout the year. 

The Strike Team is the definition of community involvement. 

It has become a network of neighbors helping neighbors. This group effort may help define what a community can look like when people from different geographies, backgrounds, and experiences come together for a common cause.    Volunteers are always welcomed and encouraged to join these efforts!

What is Florida Main Street?

Florida Main Street is a state-wide program dedicated to revitalizing historic downtowns and commercial districts through a comprehensive, community-driven approach. By focusing on economic development, historic preservation, and improving the quality of life, the program encourages local stakeholders to work together to create vibrant, sustainable communities. The “Four Points” approach—organization, promotion, design, and economic vitality—guides these efforts, ensuring a balanced and effective strategy. Through collaboration and innovation, Florida Main Street helps breathe new life into neighborhoods, fostering pride and a sense of place among residents and visitors alike.